#8 “If a girl leans toward you, kiss her. #7 “I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.” – Leo Christopher #6 “The best feeling is when you look at him, and he is already staring.” #5 “I still get butterflies even though I’ve seen you a hundred times.”

#4 “It’s amazing how one day someone walks into your life, then the next day you wonder how you ever lived without them.” #3 “When I first met you, I honestly didn’t know you were gonna be this important to me.” –

#2 “I fell in love with you because you loved me when I couldn’t love myself.” – Works hard. Attempts to underhand you… then, believe it or not, he’s quite perfect.” – Vicki Carnley They are just the thing to rekindle the love you have in your heart, remind you of what you love about your girl or guy, and put you in the love frame of mind again. Whether you are looking for a reason to look past those little things your boyfriend does that get under your skin, or a reason to put up with your girlfriend’s occasional lunacy, these quotes will remind of what is really important. The next time you get angry, have relationship anxiety, or are creating your own scenario in your mind about what is going on, take up these love quotes and examine what is real and what you may be mentally creating.ģ4 of the best boyfriend and girlfriend quotes ever And the perfect boyfriend and girlfriend quotes are snapshots of emotions that remind us of what love is supposed to be and why we love the people we do. You know why we love quotes? We love them because they say the profound things that we think about but we either don’t admit, or we can’t put them into words. But sometimes we just need to find inspiration for love, so here are some boyfriend and girlfriend quotes for you.